Research Scientists
I study Earth structure from crust to the lowermost mantle from seismic imaging. I use seismological observations and seismic wavefield simulations to understand the dynamics of the Earth from local to global scale.
I am currently focussing on rifting systems and I am particularly interested in the tectonic systems that are “collateral” to the rifts (e.g., transform faults and off-rift tectonics). In my research I use broadband seismological data collected with the KAUST pool to study active faults and earth structure. My study areas are the North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD) and northern Saudi Arabia.
I am also interested in: i) crustal and mantle structure of the Arabian Plate and central Mediterranean; ii) heterogeneity and anisotropy in the lowermost mantle; iii) spectral element simulations of seismic wavefield at regional and global scale.