05 May, 2014
Prof. Jean-Philippe Avouac, Director of the SeismoLab at Caltech, to visit CES-Team and KAUSTMay 05-08, 2014: Prof. Jean-Philippe Avouac, Director of the SeismoLab at Caltech, to visit CES-Team and KAUST
27 April, 2014
EGU General Assembly 2014, ViennaApril 27 – May 02, 2014, EGU General Assembly, Vienna: CES-team actively participating through session organization (SM 2.2 ‘Earthquake source processes - Imaging methods, physical rupture models and scaling’; SM2.3 ‘Earthquake ground-motion – source, site and path effects’), several poster & oral presentations, and an invited talk by Prof. Mai http://www.egu2014.eu/
25 March, 2014
International student conference at IPGP, ParisMarch 25-29, 2014: International student conference at IPGP, Paris. Hoby Razafindrakoto and Jagdish Vyas will present their latest research findings
10 March, 2014
Annual Meeting of the German Geoscience Society, KarlsruheMarch 10-14, 2014: Annual Meeting of the German Geoscience Society, Karlsruhe. Prof. Mai represents CES-Team with poster presentation
14 February, 2014
Dr. Jordi Julia, Universidad Natal, Brazil, visits CES TeamFeb 14 – 27, 2014: Dr. Jordi Julia, Universidad Natal, Brazil, visits CES Team for collaborative work on receiver function imaging of the Earth crust. Dr. Julia will give the Earth Science Distinguished Speaker Seminar on Feb 26, 2014
03 February, 2014
Prof. Katsu Goda from University of Bristol visits CES-TeamsFeb 03 – Feb 09, 2014: Prof. Katsu Goda, University of Bristol, visits CES-Teams, gives lecture series on ‘Current State of the Art of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis’, and works with Prof. Mai on a sensitivity analysis in tsunami simulations for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
27 January, 2014
Dr. Ramdohr, Germany, visits CES-Team and gives Earth Science Distinguished Speaker SeminarJan 27 – Feb 07, 2014: Dr. Ramdohr, Germany, visits CES-Team and gives Earth Science Distinguished Speaker Seminar (Feb 05, 2014)
22 January, 2014
Journal publication: Razafindrakoto and Mai, BSSA 2014Journal publication “Uncertainty in earthquake source imaging due to variations in source time function and Earth structure” by Razafindrakoto and Mai, scheduled for publication in Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., April 2014
12 January, 2014
2014 Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) at KAUSTWinter Enrichment Program (WEP) at KAUST, with courses/lectures given by CES-members Dr. Hugo Cruz-Jimenez (“Knowing and simulating waves of destruction”) and PhD-student Luca Passone (“How to build a tri-copter”)
05 December, 2013
Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San FranciscoFall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, December 05-09, 2013 http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/
19 November, 2013
Int'l workshop on "Seismic Interferometry" at KAUSTProf. Mai organizes the Int'l workshop on “Seismic Interferometry” at KAUST, November 19-21, co-organized with Prof. G.Schuster
30 October, 2013
Giulio di Torro from University of Padua presents at Earth Science seminarGiulio di Torro from University of Padua to visit KAUST, and to present at Earth Science seminar
29 September, 2013
Prof. Mai visits Prof. Al-Demagh, KACSTProf. Mai visits Prof. Al-Demagh, KACST
25 September, 2013
Prof. Eric Dunham gives a presentation at Earth Science seminarProf. Eric Dunham gives a presentation ”Earthquake Rupture Dynamics: From Repeating Earthquakes Beneath Volcanoes to Subduction Megathrusts“ at Earth Science seminar.
22 September, 2013
Prof. Eric Dunham and two of his team members visit KAUSTProf. Eric Dunham(Stanford) and two of his team members, post-doc Kenneth Duru and PhD-student Samuel Bydlon visit KAUST in the framework of our joint AEA-3 project
11 September, 2013
Prof. Mai is invited to give a talk at CaltechProf. Mai is invited to give a talk on “Broadband ground-motions from dynamic rupture” at Caltech, and he also attends vaious project meetings
08 September, 2013
SCEC Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, September 08-11, 2013Prof. Mai leads the SIV-eorkshops at the SCEC Annual Meeting which takes place in Palm Springs, California, and several CES-team members present their posters.
25 August, 2013
EPOS workshop, Erice (Sicily), Italy, Aug 25-30, 2013Prof. Mai gives a talk on the SRCMOD database and SIV project at the EPOS workshop Click here
29 July, 2013
LMU/TUM-KAUST-IBM workshop at LMU Munich, July 29-31, 2013LMU/TUM-KAUST-IBM workshop at LMU Munich, July 29-31, 2013
22 July, 2013
IASPEI conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 22-27, 2013Prof. Mai gives a lecture on Source Inversion Validation at IASPEI conference Click here