27 November, 2017

Prof. Mai invited speaker at SuSTech, Shenzhen, China

November 27 - December 1: Prof. Mai invited speaker at workshop "Frontiers in studies of earthquakes and faults"

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23 November, 2017

Prof. Mai invited speaker at CEA, Beijng, China

November 23 - 24: Prof. Mai invited speaker at China Earthquake Authority (CEA) and China National Earthquake Center (CENC)​​​

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30 October, 2017

O. Zielke becomes Associated Editor for JGR -Solid Earth

​O. Zielke becomes Associated Editor for AGU's Journal of Geophysical Research -Solid Earth​​

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10 September, 2017

Prof. P.M. Mai conducts field work in Tanzania for maintenance of the OPS seismic network and installation of new stations

Ten days of intense field work in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania​​ where the OPS seismic network is located.​

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05 September, 2017

Prof. P.M. Mai presents as invited Keynote Speaker at International PSHA Workshop, Lenzburg (Switzerland)

​Sept 5-7: Prof. P. Martin Mai invited Keynote Speaker at International PSHA Workshop, Lenzburg (Switzerland)​​

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01 September, 2017

K.K.S. Thingbaijam et al. publish recent work in BSSA

​Paper "New Empirical Earthquake-Source Scaling Laws" by K.K.S. Thingbaijam, P.M. Mai and K. Goda published in Bulletin of Seismological Society of America.​​​

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29 May, 2017

CES-Team (L. Parisi, M. Rodriguez) for seismic field work in the Olduvai-Laetoli area, Tanzania

Station maintenance and deployment of additional stations to expand the OPS seismic network

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08 May, 2017

Stephanie Wollherr joined CES Team as visiting PhD student

​Stephanie Wollherr joined CES Team as visiting PhD student

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02 April, 2017

Two new post-docs, Jayalakshmi Sivasubramonian and Subhadra Nampally, joined our team

​Two new post-docs, Jayalakshmi Sivasubramonian and Subhadra Nampally, joined our team

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21 March, 2017

Claudia Abril joined our team as a visiting PhD student

​Claudia Abril joined our team as a visiting PhD student

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02 March, 2017

Jagdish Vyas successfully defended his PhD Thesis

Jagdish Vyas successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Earthquake Ground-Motion in Presence of Source and Medium Heterogeneities"

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20 February, 2017

Niraj Agarwal joined our team as a new PhD student

​Niraj Agarwal joined our team as a new PhD student

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09 February, 2017

​Maria Rodríguez Mustafa joined our team as research intern

​Maria Rodríguez Mustafa joined our team as research intern.

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25 January, 2017

A CES team went scouting in Tanzania for new sites where to install five more seismic stations next summer.

​ A CES team went scouting in Tanzania for new sites where to install five more seismic stations next summer.

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11 January, 2017

Zielke et al. publish recent work in GRL

​Paper "Fault roughness and strength heterogeneity control earthquake size and stress drop" by Zielke, Galis and Mai is published in Geophysical Research Letters.​​

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10 October, 2016

Several PhD opportunities in our team

​In our research group “Computational Earthquake Seismology (CES)”, we have several open PhD positions in the general fields of earthquake seismology and Earth structure imaging. More details in the flyer available via link below. Click here

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17 July, 2016

Paper by Thingbaijam et al. has been published in BSSA

​Paper "Evidence for Truncated Exponential Probability Distribution of Earthquake Slip" by K. K. S. Thingbaijam and P. M. Mai has been published in Bulletin of Seismological Society of America. Click here

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29 June, 2016

Paper by Vyas et al. has been published in BSSA

​​Paper "Distance and azimuthal dependence of ground-motion variability for unilateral strike-slip ruptures" by J.C. Vyas, P.M. Mai and M. Galis has been published in Bulletin of Seismological Society of America. Click here

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